(First PTGA choreography rehearsal. August 2019)
Our premiere production of the musical “Pray the Gay Away”® is now in full rehearsal mode! Our cast size is over 40 strong and with our production team and volunteers, there are currently about 70 people helping to prepare PTGA for the stage in November 2019.
We felt that we had a strong cast when we did casting in June 2019. Now that we have started working as a team on music, choreography and dialogue, we are seeing such a beautiful team develop within this cast. The PTGA cast is very committed to the entertainment aspect of our show, but even more so to the mission of bringing this story to the stage.
It is thrilling to watch the actors discover their characters and work on honing in on different deliveries of their dialogue. Thank you so much to our actors, the Theater Arts Guild and the people of Skagit County, WA (and beyond!) for supporting PTGA during its production process.