Amy Kepferle with Cascadia Weekly interviewed PTGA show creator Conrad Askland and the article was published on November 6, 2019. The musical Pray the Gay Away® deals with gay conversion therapy, the beliefs that support and perpetuate the painful practice of it, and the experience of LGBTQ+ members in the painful world that surrounds it.
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Cascadia Weekly: The production has support from Skagit PFLAG, PFLAG Washington State, and local ministers. Do you anticipate any blowback?
Conrad Askland: We’ve experienced two types of pushback. The first is when people read Pray the Gay Away that they think it’s an anti-gay rally. We have a lot of information on our website and have worked closely with PFLAG so people realize that is not the case. The second pushback is from people who hold a religious belief that homosexuality is “intrinsically sinful” and are offended we might question that belief. To that pushback I simply say, “Here is our production. Audiences will reach their own conclusions.”